Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday is Sunday

I spent a better part of the day trying to stay awake. I don't know why, but I can't keep my eyes open. Even now as I'm typing this epistle, my eye lids are at half-mast.

I did another search on E-Bay for charms or a charm bracelet that had charms from when I was growing up, and which were on that lost charm bracelet. There were 1441 listings, and nothing got my attention. So, in abouta week, I'll look again.

I did laundry -- one load -- and I suppose it's about time to take it out of the dryer. I have another load in the washer, but it will wait until tomorrow.

I still have to empty the dishwasher and put the dirty dishes into it. I hate doing that. It seems I never get caught up with that.

I did get the stuff put away in the laundry room. I'm scared to get on the top step of the step stool, so I wasn't able to do that great a job. But at least it's off the floor.

That's it for now. Back at me, later.

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