Thursday, June 5, 2008

I lied

Okay, I lied. I was going to put all my journaling into a Word document, but I need to transfer all these BLOG writings and I'm hurting too bad today to do more than write a few words.

Praise God the storms are past. Becky had a bit of a scare driving through the tornadic storm that hit North Vernon yesterday. They lost some roof singles, but all are okay.

I have been in that situation. I sat outside the Covington library waiting for Phil to finish work --back when he was still a teenager -- or was it the Newport library. I'm not sure which one. All I know is, I sat there in my car while a tornado went down the opposite side of the street from where I was sitting, and I watched chimney after chimney topple, and my car bounced from one side of the street to the other. I came through unscathed, but it's not something I want to make a habit of doing.

Yesterday's storms were really bad. But we had prayed the night before for protection from them for all our families, and God answered those prayers. It could have been much worse for all of us.

Today, I've been trying to get hold of the pain in my back and throw it away. It won't go. So, it's time to hit the bed and flatten myself against it. I was going to go down to the pool and have been sitting around in my bathing suit all day. Needless to say, I didn't get down to the pool. It was very hot. It only got down to 75 last night. That's pretty warm for a night-time low.

This is the end of this BLOG (maybe).

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