Sunday, June 1, 2008


You'd have thought I was asking for the moon or a new car or a new computer or something. I asked Alan about the lightbulbs. He doesn't think the government is going to make us use flourescent bulbs. Well, Mr. Hahn, the government has already passed the law that says we have to.

I informed him of that and he said it won't happen. So I pointed out that buying a few replacement light bulbs would certainly be cheaper than buying new fixtures, and I won't have my house looking like a slum house with one light bulb hanging from the ceiling, and said light bulb being a flourescent bulb.

Actually, the fixtures in our bathroom take six clear round light bulbs. Not a very popular size, shape, or transluscence. So, I'd best get on the hunt and get me a couple dozen. I figure that should last the rest of my life, anyway. Then it's my children's problem.

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