Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's Saturday

One of those lazy days of summer. I went down to the pool just to show myself. I am the pool chairperson after all, so I thought I should show up once in a while. I got on the scooter and scooted down to the pool, said "Hi" to all those sunning their bodies, and moved on. I then met up with other neighbors along the way and we chatted. Alan was surprised that I was gone for almost two hours. He missed me.

He had to make his own lunch, that's why he missed me.

He reminded me at 10:30 a.m. that I hadn't made him any coffee and he was in sore need of it. REMINDER TO SELF: Teach Alan how to make coffee in the coffee maker. He's going to be on his own for a whole week. He needs to know how to do that.

Knee is still giving me fits, not as bad as yesterday, but still biting, gnawing pain when I stand up or walk.

While I was at the pool I asked for ideas what to make for supper tonight. I get tired of thinking of things to make. Several suggested spaghetti. So, spaghetti it was. I made sausage sauce, and it was delish. Alan even liked it. And I made a salad -- three way. (lettuce, cucumber, tomato); and then I also made a dessert -- angel food cake with vanilla pudding and fresh strawberries. The strawberries were cut up and sugared yesterday so they had a little bit of a bite, but they whole thing put together was quite good.

So, now I'm off to my corner to read for a while. Another Louis L'amour book is on the agenda for bedtime. One of his short stories books.

TAF June 21, 2008

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