Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 3-- stair climbing

I made it! I did it, again. Three days. And today was much easier than the other two. I didn't huff and puff until the next to the last step, and it didn't hurt my legs at all this time. So, tomorrow, I'm going to try it twice.

I'm getting so excited about our trip to Tennessee with many of our grandchildren during Christmas week. I have ordered and bought wigs and costumes, I have asked the two oldest to help me with games, of which I have a long list. I want to keep them occupied as long as I can before they head over to the swimming pool, at which point I'll not see them until bed time.

My sister and I went to Dollar Tree and got a lot of really, really neat things -- squirrely hats for the boys, neon wigs for the girls, craft supplies, and several other items.

I'm like a kid in the candy store. My plan is to have boxes for each day we're down there with everything all laid out for each day. So, if we're doing a play with costumes -- the children will be given a topic and they will "write" the play -- I will have costume making supplies in that day's box.

As time gets closer to the actual time of the week-long party, I'll let you know some of the games/events we will be participating in.


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