Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 24, 2008

I can't remember much of what went on today except for the normal house-wifey things. I did laundry. I cleaned the bathroom -- the one we use. I played a dumb game for about an hour. I was out on my sunporch for a very short time because while it wasn't supposed to get hot, the deck was pretty warm by 10 a.m.

I didn't go down to the pool today. Just didn't have the good feeling in my legs that I could do that.

I know I did some other house wifey things, but can't think of what they are.

I did get my printer to work, so I printed out some pictures to put in my Stamper children scrapbook that I'm working on.

I need to get the Chardonnay pictures printed out and booked as well.

So that's all for now.


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