Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First day at pool

Yesterday was my first day to actually get INTO the pool. The water was quite warm actually, and I enjoyed it for a while. Then my knee popped out and I needed to get out of the pool.

I had Rosie with me and she had a ball in the pool. At first there were no children for her to play with, but by 10 a.m. there were seven other kids, so she was in her element.

Unfortunately for her we had to leave the pool early rather than late because I had to get to the doctor. I wanted to clarify what her nurse had told me the week before about my failing kidneys.

She (the doctor) was quite helpful, but I'm not permitted to take any anti-inflammatory meds for at least three months. My BP is very low, this morning is was 91/52. That can't be good. I'm to monitor that for two weeks and if it doesn't go back up (I'm being treated for high BP), then she's going to have to redo my BP meds. So, I'm hobbling with no ability to take anything for the knee pain, but life goes on.

I went to Macy's yesterday and got a corn-cooking pot -- I had given mine away when we moved here seven years ago, and have been breaking the corn into small pieces and cooking four small pieces at a time. Not good. So, I got a new large pot for cooking corn, and spaghetti for more than two, etc.

And, then I found something that I couldn't believe. I found a beautiful SILK -- yes, 100 percent pure silk -- blouse. Now, you folks need to know that fat lady clothes mostly come in polyester. Once in a while I can find something in cotton, but silk? Wow! It was reduced from $73 dollars to $13. Now who could resist that? And on top of that there was another 10 percent off. Wow! It's a summer blouse and will go with my white slacks, and that's about it. I have a khaki skirt that it might go well with, also.

So, now it's Wednesday, and my helper comes this afternoon. No shopping this week, though. I need her to clean for me.

It's a rainy, dreary day, so far, and I hope she'll be able to see the areas that need cleaning well enough.

I need to get going with Alan's lunch, and since we're having chicken salad for dinner, I need to get the chicken cooking as well, so that it will be cold enough to cut for the tomatoes.


Addendum: Magen did shop for me today, yeah! I was out of laundry detergent, all macaroni products, and several other items. And I needed some cranberry juice. I forgot the orange juice, bummer, but I'll pick up some on Friday. She also cleaned thoroughly the entry hall and elevator floor. And she got some school products off a shelf that I could read on a step stool, but she could reach without. They're (the school products) are going with me to North Carolina for my neice to enjoy.

I heard from my butcher today. Notice how I have claimed ownership on a man who has been in business for 30 years. My lamb is in. Yippee! Alan and I will glutton out on those tasty lamb racks, and that leg. I'm picking them up on Friday. If I can 't walk, Alan will get them.

And the walking is getting more and more painful. I only had my feet up for 3 hours so far today. I'm supposed to raise my legs for 6 hours. Well, I'll start that practice tomorrow. It's always tomorrow for me. If I miss something, I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes, either.

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