Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This is the day that the Lord has made!

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

I have to keep reminding myself of that. Hard to do when the knee keeps popping out and the kidneys are either working overtime or under time -- today it was overtime! Yesterday it was not at all. The life-group group prayed for me and today the floodgates opened.

Enough about my bodily functions.

I went over to Cyndi's (my youngest daughter's) to take some scrapbooking things to the youngest boys. They are having fun making pages for albums, etc., and I took them each an album, some background papers, and some stickers. They were pleased as punch. (How can punch be pleased? What a stupid expression.)

And Shandon was painting a picture when I got there and I grabbed it for my grandchildren's art work book. It's abstract. VERY abstract. But we discussed it -- what each part meant -- and by the time I was finished with my analogy, Adam was on the floor he was laughing so hard.

My next event with those children will be a trip to Hobby Lobby with Tori, I think. She was bemoaning the fact that school starts in just two weeks.

Megan is handling things fine, but she was glad I brought some stuff over for the boys because Adam was going bonkers with nothing to do. His best playmate, Strephen, is away this week, as are his parents, so he was stretched to the limit with boredom.

So, after an hour over there, I came home, played a couple of computer games (not big brain), and watched TV. Now, that's about it for this day. TTFN

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