Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary -- to me

Well, we have 42 years behind us -- or is it 41 and now we're into 42. I can never figure that out. But I think it's 42 behind us because we have been married for 42 years.

Alan and I had a leisurely cup of coffee this morning. Then after showers and getting dressed -- we old people take a long time doing those things -- I made lunch.

Immediately after lunch -- I wasn't even finished with mine, but Alan has scarfed his down really fast -- he asked me if I was ready to leave for the Museum. We were going to see the human body exhibit that is in its last week of showing. I told him to get his shoes on and I'd be ready by the time he did that.

I also told him that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to push him around the museum because my knee was still not at 100 percent -- better than it was two days ago, but I really wanted to give it more rest before walking around the museum on those hard concrete floors that just kill the joints. And he said, he really wasn't up for going anyway, so we opted to go see a movie.

The new Star Wars Movie -- bummer. It's a cartoon! I didn't know that. Alan fell asleep half way through it. I didn't fall asleep, but I was steaming that we had paid to see the movie. On the other hand, I was determined that since we had paid to see it, I would sit through the whole thing. You see, I gave up a couple of chick flicks so I could go to a movie that Alan might like. He liked it so well, he fell asleep. Ha ha.

Then we went to dinner. I picked Carrabba's, which I love, and which Alan really isn't very fond of. My dinner was delish. And the fried zucchini was exceptional. I love their tomato sauce (gravy). Alan got the manicotti. He didn't really like it, he said. He said it wasn't what he was expecting.

Well, we talked about the day we were married and talked about the places we visited on our honeymoon and by then it was time to come home.

We got home around 6:30 p.m. Yes, it was an early dinner. We were home about an hour and I was just dozing in a chair, and Alan yelled for me to come help him. So I hopped right up and ran over to help him. No, that's not exactly what happened. You see, I couldn't hop right up if I tried. In my mind, I hopped right up. But the body was about 30 seconds behind my mental image. Then I didn't run right over to him. I grabbed my walked and pushed it rapidly over to him just as he was projectile vomiting his dinner.

Clean-up time. Now, his being sick like that is nothing new. I mean after 9 years of cancer rehab, I should be used to it. But I'm not. And when he gets sick, I follow suit. Fortunately, I kept my delicious dinner down where it was supposed to be. But I didn't eat my dessert.

Tiramisu -- it's still in the refrigerator and I'll get to it tomorrow.

I hope you all can see the humor in this day, as I did. I guess you had to be here. But I think it was a great anniversary. We didn't go where we intended to go, but we did go some place. And I got to go to my favorite restaurant, even if Alan did get sick. Now, I'm getting ready to hit the sack and finish that doze I started several hours ago.


1 comment:

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary late! I'm just realizing that Phil and I didn't send a card or say anything about or anything. We're so sorry!!! Congratulations on 42 years of marriage and here's to many more-probably not another 42 though. Anyway, we both love you lots and are so glad you live nearby and are involved in our lives :-)