Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No pain, no gain

Well, I gained -- weight. And I gained a day in the stores. I went out and actually went to six different places into which I had to walk. In fact, one of those places was the post office and I had to lug a huge box into the PO for shipping to NJ. And, I went to Hancock Fabrics and, of course, what I wanted was way in the back -- all the way in the back, hidden in a corner. And then the lady who was working the cash register couldn't get the price to come up on the screen and she had to leave me there, leaning, in pain because by that time my knee was definitely shot for the day and I still had another stop to make.

I had to get to Walgreen's because we needed a new blood pressure taker -- we're both supposed to do that every day. Well, the old one died and so I volunteered to go get a new one. I also needed to get some saccarhine tablets -- but alas, Walgreen's didn't have anything but those pink packets, of which I had a large supply. I don't like putting them out because Alan leaves the opened packets all over the place as well as the drippings -- he doesn't quite have good aim when it comes to putting the Sweet and Low into the cup. So, I got bread instead. See the connection? No? Well, I was out of bread also, and didn't remember it until I saw it on the shelf below where the sugar pills were supposed to be.

My knee is absolutely shot. It was in such good health yesterday and today (early). Oh, well.

My knitting project with Tori can go on because I got wool (or acrylic something) and needles. We're all set. I'm not too stupid. I also got a pattern book!

So, I'm waiting for tonight's non-show of the gymnastics -- I waited as long as I could last night, and the night before I was up until 2:30 waiting. Tonight, if they aren't on in prime time, I'm not watching any more Olympics (except synchronized swimming which I KNOW is on Oxygen tomorrow between 3 and 6 p.m.).


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