Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I couldn't sleep this morning

I did try, though. I woke up around 8 am and said to myself, "It's too early to get up." It was a rainy morning again, and perfect for sleeping in. Then I had a thought that popped me right out of bed.

I had posted a sign on the door of the clubhouse on Monday telling people who wanted to scrapbook to come to my house -- thus moving the neighborhood scrapbooking from the clubhouse to my house.

Well, yesterday it completely left me that I had posted that sign and it needed to be removed on Tuesday. Around midnight I remembered it. I was not about to go down there at midnight, and I told Alan to make sure I took the sign down in the morning. He didn't remind me and he was up and dressed and working at his desk by the time I "popped" up. But I did go down there on the scooter in the rain/mist and got the sign down. It -- the sign -- was actually dry. The rain didn't hit it. I guess the wind doesn't blow that way.

I mean we had almost 3 inches of rain yesterday, maybe more. Lots of wind as well. Right now it looks like the sun is TRYING to get out. But they're still saying it's gonna rain again today. I noticed that the pool water is almost to the top of the rim rather than the six or seven inches below the rim it normally sits at, so we much have had quite a bit of rain.

I mean, just because I looked out the windows and all day it was pouring rain, didn't mean that we really had several inches of rain, but we did.

It's really been a non-global warming summer here. I know you folks in Texas can't relate, but we've actually had very few hot days. Mostly we've been in the 70s and low 80s all summer. Yesterday, I don't think it even got into the 70s, it was more like spring. And I'm really enjoying it. I've been able to sit out on my porch and read and do crossword puzzles almost the whole summer, even on rainy days, because it hasn't been too hot. God is good.

So, it's early in the day and other than my normal early a.m. pain and hobbling around, I'm doing fine. Alan is still trying to work through a cold, and sometimes fever, but he certainly got up early today, which indicates something -- either he couldn't sleep because of his cold, or he had some energy and wanted to get to work. Right now, he's hacking away. Sneezing. Moaning. Hey, he sounds like me -- the moaning part, that is.

From the elderly home of the Hahn's I bid you all adieu.



Amy said...

I've been having trouble sleeping at night lately. I think it's because I am just laying in bed with time to think and my mind just wanders and I get stressed and start talking to God. Then before ya know it, it's 2 a.m. and I'm still awake. Ugh

Judi Hahn said...

I find that talking to God doesn't really put me to sleep either. Maybe He need us to talk to Him more than we do. I do find, though, that if I started reading His word, I'm out like a light. I wonder why that is.

I've actually been sleeping pretty well, mostly. Today I didn't wake up unti 11:30 .am. That's terrible.

And I went to bed before 1 a.m.