Thursday, August 27, 2009

I definitely overdid

The last couple of days have been hectic and fun and I definitely overdid. I'll go back to Monday.

On Monday I knew that my brother-in-law and his wife (my S-I-L) were coming for an overnight visit, and I had to get my house super clean, as well as prepare a super-duper dinner because Alan didn't want to go out to eat. And I had to do a lot of laundry. Also on Monday I had to clean (sort of) to get my house ready for my house cleaner, so she doesn't think I'm hopeless in the cleaning department, which I'm not, but I am, because of my movement problems.

Then on Tuesday, my cleaner/shopper came and I got really ready for my B-I-L and S-I-L. Of course, I can't just sit there and watch, and I had to get a path cleared in my office so that if anyone had to go in there, they could walk. I did a pretty good job. I even made enough room so that my cleaner could vacuum in there.

On Wednesday my daughter (the middle one, Becky) called and asked if I minded if she came on Thursday, instead of her planned visit on Thursday to visit with her Aunt and Uncle, and I said no, but her Aunt and Uncle were planning to leave before she was going to be able to get here. So I suggested since they like camping out, that they camp out on the sun porch, since I was out of bed space. And they came to visit as well.

The dinner I prepared was excellent -- you can get the recipes at Runnemede Remembered Recipes. There were no leftovers.

I faded at 10 p.m. and went to bed, the rest of the folks including the children were going strong when I turned in and I didn't hear a thing. I woke up at 7:30 and was have a fibromyalgia set back. I hurt all over and couldn't even stay in bed, so I got up, took my medicine and prayed it would help. It did for about 2 hours, then I was down and out again. Took another pill, and went to bed.

I'm still feeling pretty bad. I had hoped I was getting better with the new homeopathic medicines I was using for arthritis, and perhaps it is working, at least I know it is in my hands and elbows, and I thought it was doing a job on the knees, but since I had been doing so much walking the past three days, today it didn't feel like anything was working.

Oh, yeah, did I mention that my son, his wife, and his four children also came over for a couple of hours? That was not a problem at all, and I know that the B-I-L and S-I-L enjoyed the visit, as did I. I'm getting more and more used to their activity -- which is not something I am used to, because Alan and I are pretty much inactive most of the time. Where do they get their energy?

Well, that's it for for now. I'm going back to bed. A new book arrived from Amazon today, and I can't wait to get to it. I'll have to write about some of the books I've been reading lately. They are for the most part comedic mysteries. Go figure.


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