Thursday, August 20, 2009

Broccoli wars

Well, I have had the pleasure of having two of my grandchildren spend today with me, staying overnight, and then all day tomorrow, and may tomorrow night -- depends on how I am.

Tonight around suppertime, while I was preparing dinner my body locked up. Yes, it locked up. I couldn't move. So, I sat at the table watched them eat, then cleaned up after the dinner, while in horrible all-over pain, and laid down on my back.

I'm upright, currently, but I'm not moving anything but my fingers.

Anyway, the topic of BROCCOLI came up at dinner and YES, YES, YES, we have a winner. Rosie likes broccoli cooked, not raw, with cheese, not without. Rachel, on the other hand, doesn't care for it with or without cheese, but she eats it because she has to -- thank you Amy!

So, the war is on again, I suppose and when you something like a cartoon character as the leader of the anti-broccoli side -- well, what more can I say. At least I have real, live, people who have good things to say about the veggie.



Amy said...

More converts for the pro-broccoli side! We will prevail :-) I served it last week and Phil even had seconds of it without being forced. Yay!

Judi Hahn said...

How did you fix it. I love the stuff and could eat it every meal. I especially like the cheese/rice/mushroom soup/broccoli casserole. I could get fat on that stuff. (That's a joke the part about getting fat.)