Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm winning!

Make up definitions for words. I made up a definition for a word (I have no idea what it really means) and so far I'm winning on the poll to choose the best definition. If you want to vote for me, go to the wordimperfect BLOG and click on my name. Thanks.

Went to doctor today. Bronchitis is cleared up, no congestion at all. No ear infection either. I'm still tired, but she (the doc) told me to expect that for a while. Alan is getting better. At least he's not coughing as much as he was.

I noticed so much snow in the area where we live, but over in Ohio hardly any at all. Did we, just one mile south of the Ohio River, get that much more snow that our neighbors to the north, or do we just take better care of our snow that the Ohians do? Our snow isn't as dirty as the snow in Ohio either, which would indicate that we do, in fact, take better care of our snow.

Don't misunderstand. Our snow is dirty, just not AS dirty.

I went to Macy's today to get some birthday presents for two of my granddaughters. I got six beautiful outfits, including one fancy-dancy dress, for under $25 total. I saved $185. I couldn't believe it. I was mentally tallying up my purchases in my head, and I came out almost $30 cheaper than I had calculated because there was a 55 percent off tag on all the things I bought, and I wasn't aware of that extra 55 percent. If you live near a Macy's and need children's clothes, the sale goes through Sunday, or so I was told today.

My Teflon coated fry pan is getting really grungy. I wanted to get a new one (at Macy's) but they didn't have anything but the grey caliphon Teflon pans, and I wanted stainless steel to go with what I have now. Oh well. One of these days I'll find what I'm looking for.

I walked and walked today and my knees didn't hurt at all. I was very, very tired, though -- a hold over from the bronchitis.

So now I'm going back to reading all the BLOGs that I haven't read for a while. Word Imp ( was one of them. Maybe I'll come up with a definition for the new word that is posted.


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