Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to life

Well, I feel much better today. Still worn out, but at least I'm not coughing much. If I don't talk, I don't cough. So, Alan will have to do with silence for today. He's coughing so much we had to postpone his MRI. Next week, maybe?

I think we're going to get more snow. Once more? It's been warm and the piles of snow are dwindling. There is still snow on the roof across the street, though. It must have been really deep to not melt in the past couple of warmish days.

After our dinner out on Friday night, I didn't get much done on either Saturday or Sunday. Now that Alan's sick, I'm nursing him (again). He's at the "I don't want to eat" stage, which I went through as well. Next will be the I'm starving stage, and I'll know he's on the mend.

I'm back at the sick in the morning stage of my life. It seems it's a February/March thing, at least it has been for the past three years. I lose my winter weight gain and still stay fat, never losing enough.

I think today I'm going to get as many of my contacts back into my computer as I can. I had printed out a list a couple of years ago, so I don't know how many of those contacts are still valid, but at least it's start at rebuilding what the computer "sweeper" removed.

My Kindle should arrive tomorrow. Then I'm going to download a bunch of free books to see how I like it before I spend more of Alan's money to get me some up-to-date books.

I hope I can find a couple of music books.

So, ttfn, folks. I'll be back with more "news" later this week.

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