Monday, February 8, 2010

Will it or won't it

Another snow day tomorrow? Who knows.

The weather channel says we are under a winter storm warning. So far, no snow. But they say it's coming and we should be ready to dig ourselves out. We won't get anything like what they've had on the East coast, but another few inches on top of what is still on the ground from Saturday will insure a white cover for a few more days. And cold. It's supposed to dip down to 4 degrees on Friday night. That's cold!

So, if I'm really snowed in, maybe I'll get some of the things completed that require that I make a phone call. The list is getting longer every day.

I don't like to use the telephone. First, it cricks my neck, or if I don't crick my neck, my shoulders get sore from holding the phone. Also, I'm not good on the phone. If it's answered by a machine I'm tempted to hang up. I never know what to say into those things. So I just leave my name and number, no cutesy messages to go with.

Second -- there is no second. I just don't like to use the phone. That's first, second, and third.

So, tomorrow, if we get snowed in, I shall make those phone calls I've been putting off making.

One is to my doctor. I need to get in for my 6 month check-up and blood draw and get my prescriptions renewed.

Another is to our travel agent to set up a place for Alan and me to visit before we go back East.

Another is to our travel agent to deposit our time share weeks, and perhaps withdraw one from last year that we haven't used yet.

Another is to my cousin in Florida to see how she is doing and try to cheer her up a little. Undoubtedly, I'll be the one cheered because she is funny and she always makes me laugh.

Another is to Alan's doctor to find out why his cancer medicine is still on hold. We ordered it a month ago, and we still haven't gotten the prescription renewed. Why?

I have to call the MRI place to find out how to get there. Alan has his full-body MRI on Feb. 22. Poor thing. At least it's an open MRI this time.

I have to call my DIL about some personal matters.

I need to call my best friend to find out how her vacation went, and how the drive home was. Did she have to go through much bad weather on the trip back? Etc.

I guess that's it for now. I think I'll call my sister if we get snow, just to let her know that we get snow, too.


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