Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One chair down, three to go

Yes, I actually got one chair covered, but I ran out of material. I had ordered two yards and I thought because it was so wide that it would be enough. So, I'll go back to the furniture store where I got the chair and order some more material. I think I'll order something that goes with, rather than some that is exactly the same. At any rate, the staple gun works great!

Phil had a great interview yesterday and he will be back at the company with which he interviewed next week for Round 2. Apparently, there are a lot of hoops he has to go through to get a job at this place, not the least of which is a background check by the Feds to make sure he is okay to work on any government grants the company might receive. He is excited because there is a lot of room for advancement once he gets his foot in the door. Pray that he does go through to future rounds and gets a job. He's still looking at other possibilities even though this job is looking okay to him.

I got the tree undecorated, but not put away. I have to take it down and put it in it's proper box. Then, all that will be left are the snow men.

That's about it for now. We're going to Bible study tonight. It is Wednesday night, after all.


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