Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Update - Wednesday

After I quit early this a.m. I noticed that I felt really raunchy.  Seems I had a low fever which got larger as the wee hours of the morning progressed.  It's up to 101 right now and I hurt an awful lot.  No other symptoms -- no cough or sore throat, just the pain of fever and the fever.  I thought it was a fibromyalgia attack -- a really, really bad one.  Maybe it is, but I'm not having fun yet.

I had to reschedule Alan's doctor's appointment -- he wasn't disappointed.  Actually, it was his idea, I was all set to take him, but he put the kabash on it.  I don't think he wanted to hear what the doctor would tell him to do about his weakness problem (go to the hospital, let us poke and prod and try to find out what's wrong).  So I'm pumping him full of fluids today and see if that helps any.  I've noticed that he isn't drinking very much. 

He usually drinks four large plastic mugs of water a day, and the last few days he's barely drunk one. 

Regarding the word "drunk" used in the last sentence.  Ms. Magargee -- my high-school English teacher -- always said that "drunk" was something that happened when you "drank" too much alcohol, and was not, I repeat, not to be used as a verb at any time.  Well, too bad.  If I used the correct term people would think I was stupid or that I really made a mistake.  So the sentence used in the last paragraph remains with the word "drunk" used as a verb.

So, once again, I say, TTFN. 

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