Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let there be light

If you are a regular ready of The Fat Lady Singeth then you know I have light issues. I'm so glad we're past December 21 and it is getting light earlier in the morning and staying light later at night. I feel like the cocoon is opening around me and I am breaking out of it.

I noticed that it was light later this evening and was so happy. While I enjoy winter weather, I really don't enjoy winter solstice and the darkness.

So, welcome the light that is widening around us day by day. And remember that Jesus is the LIGHT of the world. WIthout Him we would end up in eternal darkness. Thank you God for sending your Son, Jesus, to be the Light of the World.


1 comment:

The Lady of the Holler said...

I think about you and your love of the light during these "low light" times--glad we're on the upswing once again! :o0