Thursday, December 10, 2009

A puff of snow

Yes, I said, "A puff of snow." That's what greeted me this morning as I woke up. It was beautiful and I thought, as I looked at the "puff" of whiteness billowing up and down and over and around the yard, "This has potential."

By the time I had taken a show, the "puff" was over and the potential died. Oh, well.

I did get to have lunch with Amy, my daughter (DIL, actually). She is so special and we had a really wonderful lunch at Red Lobster -- her favorite, and I have to admit, one of mine as well. We both ate too much, but hey, how often do we do that? I don't mean eat too much, I mean eat lunch together and eat too much! We had good conversation, putting aside the heaviness of our situations, and just enjoying the day.

I came home and crashed. I was feeling so wonderful when I left this morning to meet up with her, but by the time I had gone through Hallmark and then Walgreen's, I just wanted to cut off my legs, my hips, gouge out my back, and get rid of an elbow or two. Not much left after that, is there?

Rest has helped, but the life of always resting is not something that I enjoy.

So, I have two more items on my 71 item list finished. Only 69 more to go in 15 days. The law of averages is against me at the rate I'm going. Tomorrow I may do better, but I doubt it. I have at least four projects I MUST complete prior to 7 p.m. tomorrow night. That should up the averages a little bit, but still not enough.

As my other daughter, Becky, put it: You get done what you get done and be thankful for what God allows you to finish. Thank you, God for what I was able to accomplish today. Help me do more tomorrow.


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