Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a nice break!

Well, I did it. I actually made dinner for more than Alan and myself. Yes, my son, Phil and his wife, my dear daughter-in-law came over for dinner -- at my invitation -- and I cooked. I made a veal roast with mashed potatoes and corn and some cranberry relish. I didn't do a salad because I'm the only one who really enjoys a salad. I don't think Amy really likes salad, but she eats it to be polite, so I just didn't make one.

We had water and Summer Wine with the meal, and lots of good conversation.

We were able to do this because tonight was "free" night at Phil's and Amy's church. They were able to have free baby-sitting for three hours, just enough time for dinner and some chatting. And I'm so glad we were able to have them over. I really am. It was a nice break.

I felt like my bones were broken by the time we sat down to dinner, but by the time dinner was over and I was able to relax for a while, I felt pretty good.

Amy is obviously not over pneumonia. Phil has bronchitis. And my dear Amy was so tired, just walking up our steps exhausted her. I should have sent the elevator down to the foyer for her. Well, we all took the elevator down when they left, and I went out to their car with them and passed several bags of goodies from my car to theirs -- things I've been carrying in my trunk from Becky and Cyndi (for Amy) for over a month. I also had a bag of sheets that don't fit on any of our beds, which will fit hers.

All in all I was very, very pleased with the evening. Oh, I said that, didn't I?

DTC - 12

1 comment:

Amy said...

We had such a wonderful evening with you two!! Thank you so much for inviting us over and making such a yummy meal! And yes I do like salad, but I really prefer it with ranch dressing. I'm not terribly adventurous when it comes to trying new salad dressings. It was so nice to be able to sit and enjoy some grownup conversation!

I am feeling better today-almost normal again. Yahoo!!