Thursday, November 20, 2008

The best thing about today

Well, today it snowed. That's the best thing about today.

I was supposed to have Becky visit me and go food shopping with Tori, but that was not to be. I woke up with a migraine -- full fledged migraine, including the barfing. It lasted until around 7 p.m. tonight -- at least that's when I realized it was gone.

Alan's eye seems to be healing nicely. He goes back to the doctor on December 1 for post-op, stitch removal. He says he sees some things, but we still have the patch on the eye because he wants to scratch it, and that's the only way we can keep him from doing that. I know he's supposed to have it exposed to the air, but which is worse, no air or tearing out the stitches?

The eye is much better today than yesterday. No gunk build up like yesterday. And he says the pain is gone. If the itching stops we'll remove the patch except when he sleeps.

Tomorrow is our Community Thanksgiving dinner. I guess I'll have to make green-bean casserole because I am not up for going to Kroger's, and my cubbard (how do you spell that, I've spell checked it three times and nothing comes up) is almost bare -- I mean really almost bare. I was supposed to go Krogering with Tori -- my personal shopper -- today, but puking and shopping don't mix. So, I'm between a rock and a hard place as far as food in the house is concerned. At least tomorrow's meals are taken care of, and maybe I'll be up for going to Kroger's, but I'm not holding my breath.



Anonymous said...

I think it's spelled "cupboard". :-)

The Lady of the Holler said...

I think it might be "cupboard."