Monday, September 8, 2008

Today is Monday, September 8, 2008

Well, today is the day. The day for this month of my community's scrapbooking evening. I am way behind in getting ready for it, but I shall be ready by 6 p.m. or die trying.

The weekend was a loss, total loss as far as getting anything done. That old sciatic nerve popped out again, and except for church, which was absolute torture (sitting, not listening) I was in bed for the last three days. My back is okay today, just have to fight the old knee thing. But I only have a few crates to drag into the clubhouse this month. It's time to bring out the fall and Christmas stuff so the ladies can get started on cards, if they want. That's where I'm behind.

I have the card stock, but I haven't made any kits this year, so for this month, at least, they will be on their own, with instruction only, if they want to make cards.

I'll drag the stuff with me when we go to Myrtle Beach later this month and make up kits while I'm sitting on the deck of the condo watching the hurricanes roll in. Seems like this is a bad year to decide to go to an east-coast beach, but I'm game. Then for the October meeting I'll have kits, which the less creative women prefer.

We've gone to resorts and lived through hurricanes several times. While mostly they are an adventure, this time I will go prepared with food, extra batteries and flashlights. Candles are permitted. I'll plan for several days of no electricity and eating out of cans -- cold beans -- yummy.

Anyway, I'm about to set up my scrapbook event and will probably report on how this body holds up. I usually end up down and out for a day after pushing and pulling all those crates, but until I'm totally incapacitated, I'll have the meetings for the ladies. We have so much fun.


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