Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Late Wednesday September 10, 2008

Tomorrow morning, I will be in front of the TV. I remember 9/11/2001 very clearly. I was at work at Answers in Genesis, we had recently moved to N. Ky. Ken Ham, director of AiG called someone and told them to turn on the TV the WTC had been slammed into, not once, but twice. Then Alan called from home and told me to try to find a TV to find out what was going on. Of course, all the internet sites were overloaded, so no information was available from that source.

As we met for prayer, the two towers collapsed. The rest of the day we sat around in shock, and as news of the attack on the Pentagon and another aircraft being crashed in PA hit the news, we were praying more earnestly for our country, our loved ones, and those who had family who lost their lives.

Churches -- I would say all the churches in the Cincinnati area -- were open that evening for prayer.

So, tomorrow for a little while, I shall watch the TV remembrances of that terrible day.

I haven't written for a couple of days because after my scrapbook event, I could hardly move. In fact, for most of yesterday, I didn't. Today was little better. I pray that tomorrow will be okay because I'm helping Cyndi with her home-schooling efforts (by sitting while she takes the older children to N. KY area home schoolers gym class at the local sports center. Then, if I'm able, Tori is going to go to Kroger's with me and fill my basket as I ride around the store on one of those rider thingies and point to what I need. I'm still not walking well. The old knee keeps popping out, then in, and it hurts like --- well, you know.

Just getting old


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