Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today was one of those days that you wish you could redo. I did nothing, but I did a lot.

I started a round of Prednezone several days ago, and after two days of non-stop energy, it caught up with me, and while I got a lot done today, I didn't get anything done -- at least not in my mind.

About the two days of non-stop energy. I noticed a couple of days ago that I was typing extraordinarily fast -- and then I realized it was because of the steroids -- they do give you a pop. But I hate the bad effects I have to go through to get to the good effect -- a pain-free week or two. At least hopefully, it will result in relative painless days to come.

Anyway, I did accomplish quite a bit (for me) today. I went to Hancocks and got some more wool for hats for the boys -- I finished the scarves, and now I'm making snow caps for the boys. (that's my grandsons). Well, the knee popped out while I was there (at Hancock's), and while it hurt, and I could hear it going pop, pop, pop, it didn't hurt as much as usual, but I decided to stiff leg walk to keep the popping to a minimum.

Then I trudged to UDF -- for those of you not from around here -- that's United Dairy Farmer's. And got a few groceries -- namely a new kind of ice cream -- Lemon Merange Pie. I'm eating it now. It actually has pieces of pie crust in it, and it's pretty good. Not as good as my friend's -- Anita -- lemon merange pie -- but pretty good. And my spell check isn't giving me a spelling for merange, so you're stuck with the way I've spelled it, which I know is wrong, but I can't remember how to spell it correctly.

I really don't' think there is any flavor of ice cream as good as vanilla and orange sherbert mixed together -- they call it dreamcycle and that's just what it tastes like.

Back to my day. So, I got the groceries. Got home, stuffed a load of wash in the washer, knitted six rows on a blanket I'm working on, and then got very sleepy. Somewhere in there I made Alan's lunch.

By the time I finally was able to get myself awake, it was dinner time, and since we didn't eat dinner last night because Alan wasn't feeling well, I just heated up what I had made last night -- roast pork with potatoes and carrots. It was okay, but tonight was my night to not feel like eating dinner. And while I did, in fact, eat some dinner, it tasted, blah.

Somewhere in that time frame I switched out the laundry from the washer to the dryer and put another load in the washer. So after dinner, I folded what was in the dryer and put what was in the washer into the dryer.

See? I'm trying to make it sound like I did a lot today, but I really didn't do much.

I heard from a friend of mine from college, and wrote back a long e-mail to her which took me about an hour to compose.

So that's my day. I'm getting ready to get back into bed again. I need to get this room cleared out before next week. It's really getting to me. I just hate when the piles pile up and I don't get them whittled down. I've got to give up something, either reading (no way), scrap booking (no, no way), or knitting (not in the near future), or getting junk mail (ain't gonna happen). So you see where I am with all this.

It's a dilemma that will be a dilemma until I leave this earth. It's a matter or priorities, I suppose.


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