Tuesday, March 23, 2010


How stupid am I?

1. I took my husband to physical therapy.
2. I watched as they put him through his paces.
3. I did what he did -- the same exercises, in other words.
4. I brought him home.
5. I didn't sleep because I was so cramped up from following the exercises they made Alan do.
6. That's really stupid.

Okay, I should have known better, but I didn't want Alan to think he was alone in his effort to try to learn to walk again. So, I told him I would do what he did, and we would work on these things together. I don't really want to do these exercises with him every day, but I will.

He has to go down to the facility twice a week. Each time he visits they will pile more on him. I'm really looking forward to that (NOT). The more they pile on him, the more I get piled on myself because I'm STUPID for saying I would work out the same as he is.

So last night (it's still night, but I'm up now) when I went to bed I was hurting really bad, and throughout the night it didn't get any better, and I couldn't sleep. Now, I'll be both sleep deprived and walking deprived, not that walking deprivation is anything new. Nor is sleep deprivation. I'll catch up some time.

This is such a busy week. I have to get the car registered, and if I am awake enough I'll do it today. PT on Thursday. And this PT thing is going to eat up my schedule for the next few weeks, or for however long the Medicare holds out. I have to get my eyes examined. I want to order some new clothes for my trip East. The cleaning ladies are coming either tomorrow (actually today) or Wednesday, and I have to get Alan and me in for hair cuts. We both look like homeless people, our hair is so long and scruffy.

Mark Levin had a great idea. Since BO said over and over that each family would get a reduction in their health insurance bill of about $2500, we should all write to BO and request our $2500 NOW, after all, it's a RIGHT, and we DESERVE it. Isn't that what the HC bill was all about, our RIGHT to health care? Balderdash. We have no right to health care, any more than we have a right to a McD's hamburger. And we don't deserve a break today either. Don't get started, Judi...don't get started!

I wrote to the White house this week, but didn't get a response. I guess they just want to say we got millions of letters on this issue and we're working on it. Actually, I wrote about the lack of jobs and why wasn't BO working on jobs instead of health care. I know the answer. The health care bill kills off old people, babies, babies who are born early, babies who are born with any kind of defect, fat people, people with diabetes, and people with a pre-existing condition (regardless of what they were pushing). That just about does it. Sounds like Germany in the 30s to me.

And, yes, I think they'll come and get me for this rant. So what. I'm old. I'm ready to go Home. I just pray, pray, pray for you youngsters who are being saddled with this stuff, and the bad things that you'll have to endure because of it.


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