Monday, June 29, 2009

So, a cold front went through

Yeah, right. Where did it go? If what we have outside is "cold" or "cool" or "less hot" I live in a pocket of heat and humidity that got missed.

Alan suggested we go swimming today because it's cooler outside. No sense going swimming when it's hot outside. At least that's what he thinks. Now, you have to realize that he hasn't been outside, even on the lanai to check out how "cool" the weather is, but he tells me it's cooler outside.

I have suggested that we go down to the pool in the evening for the past six nights, but his response is that it's too hot to go swimming! Now, I ask you, if it's hot, isn't that when you WANT to go swimming? I don't get it. Needless to say, we haven't been swimming together this year yet, and probably won't get to go swimming together, because I only go swimming when the weather is hot. He only goes swimming when the weather is cold.

I've been zapping my legs regularly for the past week and can't tell whether I'm noticing an improvement or not. Sometimes I think, oh, yeah, they're getting better. Other times I think it's all in my mind (the getting better part). The back, on the other hand, is doing great. So, no epidural for me. Maybe I psyched myself out on that one. The threat of having a needle stuck in my spine could have moved me to decide my back didn't hurt after all. Nah! I was sitting in the chair and the sciatic nerve took off and almost threw me on the floor the pain was so bad. I moved my body to another position in the chair and it settled down. So that's what it's been like for the past few days, sharp pain (which I don't feel because I don't want another type of sharp -- needle like -- pain), move around a bit, no pain. Or, shout to myself, "It's all in your mind."

Did I write that I went to the church ladies' tea (not church ladies, but tea for the ladies of the church)? It was a very enjoyable time. And the pictures taken by Jennifer Foster are just great.

Shandon, my SIL who has absconded his family to Florida for two weeks, took some videos and posted them on Facebook. One is the cutest thing. It's of Ellie May sitting in the sand on the edge of the beach, just about in the water. She's digging in the sand, and a wave comes in. Unperturbed, she just gets up and sits on her haunches, instead of her bottom. I guess she figures if her bottom isn't touching the sand she won't get wet. If you're on Facebook, check it out. Most people reading this are related to me and so they have Shandon on their friend's list.

Last, I'm trying to get us onto the Gaither Cruise that's going to Alaska in August. It's kinda late, but I'm going to try.


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