Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Recently, almost every time President Obama opens his mouth he is asking us to sacrifice.

I got to thinking about that. Sacrifice, Bible style.

God sacrificed His only son so that I can have salvation through His (the son's) shedding of blood.

The Israelites had to sacrifice a lamb and then put the blood on their door posts so that they would be spared.

Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son before God stepped in and said He provided another sacrifice because of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac.

Giving up something that meant so much to them, but they did it willingly.

But...I don't think this is the kind of sacrifice the President is talking about. I think he means that we are to give up everything we have or ever would have, and I don't know the purpose, except that he wants himself and his "friends" to be the only people in America that aren't sacrificing anything. I don't believe that losing one's job (not something people are doing willingly) is sacrifice. It's torment. It's awful for those people. They are living in a state of fear, fear of how are they going to support their families.

Also, because sacrifice is something that is done willingly, it is entirely different from what the president is say our sacrifice should be -- our sacrifice is akin to slavery, no options, just live with it. Not a pretty picture.

Sacrifice infers willingness to do something, as I said. Am I willing to sacrifice anything so that my President can spend money on foolish things, or buy companies, or have a date with his wife? Sorry, but no, I'm not. Where is HIS (the president's) sacrifice in all this. Shouldn't he be an example of how his "subjects" (I think he thinks he's a king) are to sacrifice?

Is losing a job a sacrifice? No it's an intolerable result of the new spending and stimulus which isn't working, except in reverse. Today, another 70,000 (estimate) jobs were lost because of Chrysler dealerships closing. Excuse me, but what happened to the PROMISE that we would have more jobs available for people, and no more job losses? Of course, anyone who believed that and voted for BO is a fool -- yes, a fool. And anyone who didn't vote for McCain because they didn't like the alternative is as much as fool, and really are the people who put the present man in office. It's because of those who did not vote for McCain because they didn't like the alternative, and basically just didn't vote, that we are faced with sacrifice. I hope they are enjoying what they have sown.

Why do these men with clay feet keep using Biblical terms when they don't even know what they mean. BO using sacrifice, Clinton using atonement. I just can't get a handle on this, except that God is setting up the men and women who will be helping the Anti-Christ to take over the world. At least I can look forward to the return of our Lord, SOON.

Even so come Lord Jesus. Amen


1 comment:

Rose said...

Amen, sistah! King O' The World. Head of all 3 religions. Preparing for the AC? It's like he's going down a blooming checklist. Someone I know said it was like he watched the Left Behind movies and thought it was a great idea Nicolai had.
God help our country.
God bless you and Uncle Alan.