Friday, June 26, 2009

It was thunder!

We had some nice storms yesterday. Nothing violent, but loud enough to let me know I needed to turn off the computer and disconnect it from electricity. We had an incident several years ago where our computers got fried during a lightning strike near our home, so we always disconnect and unplug during storms.

My knees are getting better enough that I was able to go to the farmer's market today, by myself without a cane and I bought tomatoes. (See Runnemede Remembered Recipes) Then I went to Bath and Body at a local strip mall and got their Lime/Coconut foaming hand washing soap. I love the smell of it. Unfortunately they didn't have any bars of soap in that flavor so I had to settle for something else.

So, it seems the electric shock treatment is doing a job on me. I'm still having trouble cooking -- it just hurts my back and knees so much -- but I'm persevering and am certain that the knees and back will continue to improve as the treatments get longer and more frequent.

My youngest left with her brood for Florida today. I shall miss them a lot. Praying for their safety.

Phil still hasn't found a job, and today I had a panic attack and it was the Lord reminding me to pray for Phil and his job-hunting efforts. I know he's probably feeling the same thing I was feeling at the time of the panic thing. I talked to Amy and next week we're planning a day with two of the four children -- the two which aren't at church camp. They will come over in the morning to play, then we'll have lunch, then we'll head down to the theater to see a movie. Amy and Phil will be coming over, too. It should be a fun time. I'm looking forward to it. Please if you're reading this, pray for Phil and Amy, specifically that the Lord will provide a job quickly -- like next Wednesday -- for Phil.

Becky and Quinn and family are still in Chicago, I think. I'm not sure. They may be home by now. I'll know when I get into my e-mails, which I haven't done yet today.

So, it's getting closer to the time I'm going to visit my sister, and I still haven't set that up. I need to set a specific time to do that. I'm thinking I'll go the day after scrapbooking, and come home on the weekend.


1 comment:

Rose said...

How's the job search coming? We are praying for them. Do they have a church family?
Take care, ok?
love you!