Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I can't believe it's been a whole week

For all you followers of this BLOG (all 1 of you) I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up on my daily journal as I go through life. I am now 66 years old. That means I'm well into social security living. And medicare is a bust. You HAVE to be part of that program. And you HAVE to pay them back $90 per month so you can get the benefits. Go figure. And what do I gain from this $90 a month? Well, if I am ever hospitalized I get full/free hospitalization for the time spent in the hospital. Yippee! I don't get meds benefits, at least I haven't figured out how to do that, and no one at Medicare seems to want to tell me how to do that. And Medicare pays a whopping $1.69 for every office visit I have with my GP, or any other medical doctor. Dentists? Forget that. Eye doctors? Forget that. Tests? I don't know yet. I haven't had the opportunity to see how that side of Medicare works.

Enough of dissing medicare. You young people out there, be glad it will be really broke by the time you're eligible. It's not worth a dime, even though I put more than one dime into the system through mandatory payroll deduction. Like social security. I get about one-half of what my sister gets and it seems to me I've worked all my life. But apparently I didn't earn enough during all those working years to get a higher check each month. Alan doesn't even qualify for SS because he was in the government employees plan, which is one of the things BO is going to cut in his effort to save money. If you're young, check into seeing if you can opt out of the program. It's not worth all you're putting into it, and you could have more to spend on things you really want. Plus with the new BO health-care program you won't need Medicare anyway!

And then there's our stocks and bonds. I don't even want to talk about that. I just notice that when BO doesn't say anything to the press or hold a press event the DOW goes up (as is the case today), but if he opens his mouth during the day in the press room, or in a photo-op event, the down tanks. Please Mr. BO, please, please, please keep your mouth shut for the next 500 to 600 days so my stocks and bonds can recover. Thank you.

Physically I've had good and bad, and the bad have been really bad. It seems the bad are getting worse all the time. But the good are getting better. And I live for the better/good days. When the days are good I get things done and I don't feel like a burden to my husband or anyone else. I don't like the feeling of being a burden. And I dislike immensely not being able to even walk to the bathroom without going ouch very loudly.

And I've noticed that the world is getting light earlier, and the light is staying light later each day. I love it. More light. The dark days are over for another season.

So, dear diary, I'm having a middle to bad day, but I'm glad I have this day to praise my Lord, because in praising Him, I feel better in my head. He is my healer, I know that. And He is my life and my light and my salvation. Glory to His Name!


1 comment:

Rose said...

You know, I am sure that there is more than one person who reads this BLOG.
I like how you refer to the exalted leader. (snicker)
We'll be praying for you. I hope you feel better soon! I'm glad I saved reading your BLOGs for a month because I really needed them tonight and they were all new to me.
Hard times are so awful, but like you said, praising God really helps. For me, praying for other folks really helps, too. That's gotten me through my hardest times.
I love you!!
(now to see how many more comments I can give you to moderate! muuwaahaaahaahaa!!)