Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Red fruits

It seems that this summer has been a summer of fruits (and veggies).

I was so pleased to see that the Food Network Channel did an Iron Chef program where the secret ingredient was broccoli (not a red fruit, I know that) and they came up with some really delicious ways to prepare that wonderful veggie that is supposed to be a great food to eat so you don't get cancer.

But on to red fruits. I have this summer enjoyed so much the tomatoes (a red fruit, you'll never convince me that tomatoes are veggies) and have enjoyed a salad every day for the past few weeks, either with lettuce or Martha's (and my mama Rose's) tomato salad.

Tonight my dinner will be tomato salad and I have a three-inch chunk of French bread to dip in the juices. Yummy! Alan will have a hoagie, that I will prepare for him. I could enjoy a hoagie, but the tomato dish is really more appealing to me.

And then there are all those cherries. I do believe they are working. I got out of the pool today without pain -- second day in a row. I couldn't believe it. I psych myself up for that pain, and then it isn't there. It's been wonderful. I'll keep eating my 8 cherries per day and see if it really does work.

So far, so good. I can't attribute the lack of pain in my knees to anything else of late except the cherries. When I swim it hurts my knees, but I do it anyway, and then my knee joints pop and I have to stop (swimming), but I still stay in the water and float.

Alan and I are feeling so very good (and well). Is it the swimming? Is it the cherries? Is it the fresh tomatoes, right from the farm? Speaking of which, my favorite farmer down at Lunken told me that he'll have tomatoes clear up until the first frost.

I pray the frost doesn't come until December 24. I want to enjoy tomatoes for a long, long time. And, they've been available since early July, so I have been enjoying them for over two months now.


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