Thursday, September 30, 2010

Goodnight's sleep

I had a wonderful night's sleep (for a change). I fell asleep around 10:30 p.m. which is very early for me, I'm usually still reading at 3 a.m.; and then got up refreshed at 7 a.m. And, here I am, adding another entry into the life of the fat and unfamous. Yes, I mean "un" famous, not famous, not infamous, which connotes recognition for bad behavior, like Bonnie and Clyde. Or is that notorious? Maybe I am infamous.

My PA lost her job and is now part of the statistics that are unrecognized by the dems. It seems that every day another person I know loses their job for whatever reason, mostly outsourcing. My dear son is still without work. McDonald's here he comes, if they'll hire a middle-aged person. The only people I see working at McD's are youngsters, not yet out of high school who can't make change, and people my age who want a few hours and a few more bucks so they can pay the additional medicare up-front cost that we have to pay per month.

That really gripes me. First of all, I didn't want medicare. I have a perfectly good insurance that we have to pay for anyway because medicare doesn't pay for everything. Second, I was not given a choice. I HAD to be part of the medicare system when I hit 65. Third, they require me to take $100 per month out of my meager social security payback in addition to what I already put into the system. And fourth, I have to pay taxes on that social security payback, which is paying a tax on a tax. So at the end of it all, I'm left with barely enough social security to pay for my prescriptions even with the medicare and insurance coverage.

It always messed with my head that my father had to pay a big fat tax bill each quarter on his social security income (he qualified for a lot more than I qualify for), thus paying another tax on the tax that got him the social security in the first place. Not fair, says I, not fair.

Well, enough griping.

It's a beautiful fall day. Heard on the radio that it was 49 degrees in downtown Cincinnati at 6:30 a.m. Yes, I got up at 7, but woke up at 6:30. It's coolish in the house, but the heater is set to kick in at 68 degrees. I haven't heard it go on yet, so I guess our house is pretty tightly sealed with that pink stuff. Why, oh why, can't I think of words any more? What is that pink stuff you put in the attic called, you know, the stuff that the pink panther advertises? Another variety is the stuff you have blown in. Help! I'm going nuts trying to think of the word. Aha! Reading back my BLOG to check on sense and spelling, I recalled the word: insulation.

My ability to think of words is getting worse and worse. Parts of my brain seem to disintegrate on a daily basis. I guess that accounts for why I use small words in my ramblings. I certainly read enough of the longer words and I understand the words I read, but when I try to recall them when I'm writing or speaking, oft times, there is nothing there. My mind is a blank.

Back to the beautiful day. It's supposed to be sunny with a high of around 75 today. Perfect weather. And as my friend, Stacia, put it in her BLOG yesterday, the smell of fall is upon us. And I, too, love the smell of fall, and the look of fall.


1 comment:

Word Imp said...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that the Word Imp has returned!