Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Friday

Today is the last day of the work week and tomorrow is September 11. Do you remember where you were? I do. I was working at my desk at Answers in Genesis and Ken Ham called someone at the office to tell them about the first plane crashing into the WTC and for someone to find out what was going on. I called Alan and he told me a second plane had just crashed into the other tower.

Answers in Genesis had one television and the picture wasn't that good, but we sat transfixed and praying and praying for all those lost in that tragedy. I mean we were told it was possibly 50,000 people. Thank God it was not 50,000. But even one person lost to such an heinous act is one too many.

I think we finally shut down except for customer service that day because I mean, who could work? Not I. I admit it. I was and am a news junkie anyway.

Churches were open all over Northern Kentucky, including ours, and the suggested time for gathering (although we gathered early and stayed late) for prayer was something I'll never forget as one after another we prayed for our country and those who had loved ones who worked at WTC. And there were a couple of our own church people who had family who worked there. One of our dear ladies was in NYC for a week-long conference at a hotel only blocks from the center. She had been delayed in getting closer to the hotel near the WTC where her conference was being held. The family members who worked at WTC were also delayed in getting to work that day.

God is good and we rejoiced that our friends and neighbors were saved. But what about those who weren't. Do you ever think about them? I do. Did they know Christ? Where are they spending eternity? How close to being saved from the fire and implosion were they? Did they have children? Spouses? Questions that cannot and won't be answered here on this earth.

A best friend was buried today. His life was spent telling people about Christ and his determination to be like Christ in his daily life was evident by the way he lived. He had compassion and yet he could zing in and let you know where your life needed change, just as Christ did. And I think who was sent to tell those who died on 9/11 about Christ, and did they accept him or slough Him off?

I have to ask: What have I done today to show others that I am a Christ follower and am modeling my life after his example?


1 comment:

Lori said...

What a thoughtful post. I need to ask myself that question on a daily basis. I'm really sorry about your friend, but what an amazing legacy he leaves behind. I hope and pray that I am one day remembered as being a faithful follower of Christ as he was. Granted, I hope that day is a long time from now, but whenever it happens, I hope that my faith will have been evident to those around me.