Monday, February 16, 2009

I put them all away

I put all the snowmen away -- boxed them all. I also finally put the three small trees away. I haven't had them lit at night for several weeks and they were just collecting dust, as were the snowmen.

What precipitated this activity? Well, the weather has been so spring-like and the herbs are pushing throw the soil in their pots on the sunporch, so I thought it was time.

I'm reading more Louis L'Amour. Love those books and they're a quick read.

I've asked around and am trying to find out why the New York Times -- a subscription to which we did not order, but appear to be receiving -- has a crossword puzzle everyday that has stupid, far out hints. I mean, one clue was 17 across led this campaign. Well, the whole crossword was about civil war battles, so "campaign" was in my mind as another battle. 17 across was Abraham Lincoln. You know what the proper response was? It was "republican party". Duh!

Today is another lovely day and I've really been enjoying the porch again. It's very dirty and dusty and I have another riddle to solve -- how does a room that is basically hermetically sealed from November 25 through February 10 become to dusty and dirty when it was cleaned very well on November 25. It's so dusty out there that I was sneezing almost constantly and had to come in, and no there was no pollen, and I'm not allergic to herbs.

Today I have to clean the furnace filter. I can smell the dust when the blower comes on, and I forgot to do it in January, so it's time again. A monthly chore I don't relish, but which I must do.

Well, I'm off to get my daily Bible reading in and then Alan and I are going out to dinner. Yippee!


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