Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Busy days

It's been a busy couple of days. Alan and I both had our hair cut on Monday, then we went mattress shopping. I was really hoping for a sleigh bed frame as well, but it didn't happen. We did get new springs and mattress, though. About time, don't you think? We purchased our present bed back in 1991. I do love the bed and I personally still find it quite comfortable, but then after 20 years I guess it fits my many curves and bumps. And, except for the "princess and the pea" syndrome (aka fibromyalgia) I suffer from time to time it has served me well.

Alan? Not so much. He hasn't slept in a bed (except on trips when he has to) since he was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma almost 12 years ago. Well, I should amend that, except on very rare occasions, he hasn't slept in our bed. And no, it's not because I was in that bed and he was relegated to the couch/recliner. Because of his back and the various broken vertebrae he has which have calcified and are really painful, the sofa and/or the recliner has been the most comfortable.

Well, we spent almost two hours trying out mattresses to find one that he really liked. Me? I like hard. Him? He liked soft. At the end of the two hours? Me? I didn't care, just pick one. Him? He decided on one of those mattresses that squishes to fit your form, but I cannot recall the brand name. Oh, yeah, EXPENSIVE, that's the name. At least he will hopefully, sleep on our bed now, and my year-old sofa will not suffer any more wear and tear (except when we have guests, which is when my sofa SHOULD experience wear and tear).

By the time we got home I was wiped out. And unfortunately, while my legs/knees didn't bother me, the old fibromyalgia kicked in, so I went to bed at 7 p.m.

Speaking of which....

What happened to all the light? I was so enjoying getting up at 6 a.m. and watching the sunrise. Now I can get up at 8 a.m. and watch it. 8 a.m. is really a lot later than I'm used to rising. I'm back into a 5:30 a.m. rise-and-shine. Or should I say, rise-and-take-my-meds-and-read-and-wait-and-shine. Read that slowly and you'll get my drift.

Then at night, I haven't really noticed that there is much more lighted time. I want light folks. I don't like the dark. If I could bottle up June 21 and have that much light every day of the year, except during the week of December 21-27, at which time I like the dark because of the season, I would. Alas, I'm stuck with the screwed up system our congress has imposed on us. Why don't they just leave it alone, pick one, either standard time, or daylight savings time.

The big joke is: it's supposed to save energy because we don't use as much electricity supposedly in the morning. Well, I do. Lots more, because I'm up early, as are, I believe, most people. And if the sun goes down at 9 p.m., as it does where we live during May, June, July, and August (at least it did last year), bedtime for most folks is 10 or 11 p.m. That two hours, so what's saved, if I have to have the light on for at least two hours in the morning? I'm sure folks that are still working also used electricity in the a.m.

Oh, yeah, I get it. I'm on the edge of the Eastern time zone, and DC gets lighted by the sun at least an hour earlier than we get sunlit.

The point is, though, let's just leave it alone and forget about skipping ahead or falling behind, or whatever it is. And November, December January, and February, and a week in March? Four months? Forget it.

I was also busy today, Tuesday, and ache all over again. My legs and knees are really sore. I guess that's a holdover from yesterday.

Today I booked our cruise to Bermuda. YEAH! I sent in my reservation for my 50th high-school reunion, and finally, I booked us a week in Virginia Beach -- Alan wants to see the sights in Norfolk, VA.


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