Friday, April 16, 2010

For my sister

I just wanted her to know that I'm alive and actually have been feeling well this week. So, because I've been well, it's been a busy week, and I have barely opened the computer at all.

I took Amy, my DIL, to lunch at this really neat little restaurant. The food was really good, and the fellowship wasn't so bad either.

Alan is doing better. He didn't have an ill effects from the Interferon shot he got yesterday -- that's the first time in ages that he's gone through the after-effects of the shot and not reacted negatively.

He is still wobbly, but walking more and getting out of "the chair" more often. I say, "the chair" because it's supposed to be MY chair, but I rarely get to sit in it. Now MY Kindle, is being used by Alan, and I suppose I won't get to use it much any more. I told him he needs to get his own Kindle if he intends to read six hours a day as he has in the past few days. I want MY Kindle back!

My kitchen has actually been cleaned up, straightened, whatever, for a whole week. I'm so proud of myself. Usually, I let it go (after dinner) and get to it in the morning, but just do a minimal swipe to get it cleaned up. This week I've even cleaned the floor, scrubbed the stove, cleaned off the refrigerator door, wiped down the counters -- all of them -- every day.

I'm caught up on laundry -- a first for about six months.

My office is ALMOST cleared of all the debris that has accumulated since before Christmas. I forked over to Alan all the Louis L'Amour books (hard copies, not the Kindle ones) and that cleared a big amount of floor space. Our neighbor stopped by to tell us he was out of LL books and was ready for some more. So, Alan is going to have to read some so he can share them with Chuck (our neighbor).

The grounds here at Chardonnay are beautiful. The trees are pale green. The tulips are beautiful. The azaleas are just beginning to bloom (our bushes are in shade all day, so ours are a little later than the rest of the neighborhood's). Our hydrangea bush is getting more and more lush every day. And, we had rain today which really makes everything look so much more green. I noticed that the trees have grown so much since we moved in here that I can no longer see the building across the lawn out back now that the trees are in full leaf.

The birds are still chirping and begin their singing around 5:30 a.m. I haven't seen any babies yet, and I'm not sure when they are due. I'll keep watch over the nests, though.

Does anyone out there know anything about bees? We have these huge bumble bees flying around our porch all the time. I want to know if there is a nest being built in my attic so I can get the grounds people to get rid of it, but I don't want to call over some extra bumble bees, if you get my drift. I've not seen as many bumbles around here as I have this year. I mean there are a lot of them. And so far I've killed 13 wasps. How they get into my sun porch I can't explain. There has to be a hole where they are coming in, but I haven't found it. I don't like wasps because I know how much it hurts when they decide to get into a snit and attack mode.

Hope you all have had a wonderful week. Tonight Alan and I are going to watch a movie recommended by the American Family Association which is being shown on NBC at 8:00 a.m. I think I'll sit on his lap!



Lori said...

This year has been AWFUL for bees and wasps! Can't believe how many we have around here. Wasps especially. Hate those things!!

Rose said...

Hi :-) they sound like carpenter bees, my MIL had scads of them. But, with bees being generally scarce these days, you may have to get a real bee person to come and relocate them.
I love you bunches and am SO glad you've been feeling better. Also so thankful for spring! Our shady places flowers have lasted longer, too- we still have active daffodils ;-).
