Monday, November 16, 2009

A new day

Today was my bi-monthly doctor's appointment.  Nothing to worry about.  My kidney functions are up from 40 percent to 55 percent, my BP is 120/80 (perfect score on that one!), and my weight -- well we won't go there.

I spent a few minutes asking a lot of questions about fibromyalgia and why I sometimes feel no pain at all, and other times, I don't even want people to get within 10 feet of me. 

Like today -- all is well, even my knees are good enough to be walker-less.  I'm practicing using just a cane, trying to do away with the walker upon which I have grown very dependent.  I am doing quite well with the cane and maybe tomorrow I'll feel it because I'm using different muscles, but as of tonight, all is well.

The fibro attacks come and go randomly.  I plan things and pray that I can do what is planned.  I did find out today that if I take a muscle relaxer, I will feel better -- less flu-like symptoms.  Well, we'll see.  I still can't take anti-inflammatories which would really help, because of the kidneys.  The anti-inflammatories would help the arthritis as well.

And praise God that the back pain is still in the zero range (on a scale of 1-10).  The knee pain today was about 3, which is wonderful, and very, very low for me. 

Tonight I'm very tired and so even though it's only 8 p.m., and I'll miss Jon and Kate Plus 8, I'm going to bed.  I'm just too tired to even think.


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