Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another day, another dollar

I know that's an old expression.  I think it started back in WWII when the men were paid a dollar a day, and the expression became, at the end of the day, another day, another dollar.  I'm not sure if that's the origin, but it's one I heard many, many years ago.

And, frankly, in this economy, I feel like that.  The more taxes that are impose, the less I get to keep.  Yikes.

Today went so fast, AGAIN!  This morning I got up and did my usual -- take my pills, take a shower, sit and wait for the meds to kick in, and then I was off and running, rhetorically speaking.  I can't run.  I can barely walk, as we all know.  But I did get going.  I put potatoes and eggs on the stove because I was going to make potato salad to go with the fried chicken I was going to make for dinner.  Neither of which did I make for dinner.  I'm getting to that.

Then, I went into my office (or my sister's room) and cried, rhetorically speaking.  I dug in and got to work.  I moved my computer to a long table that is next to the bed, and is in front of a window, so I can look out on my world and see what's going on, if I've a mind to.  I moved that (the computer) along with the scanner, and my printer.  This was so that I could clear off my father's desk which I will use  solely for scrapbooking.  It's a large surface, and I hate having the scrapbook stuff out in the main part of the house.  It's just too scrappy (messy) and drives me nuts.  When I'm working on a project I have paper and doo-dads etc., all over the place, so if I confine the working to the office, I can always shut the door and I don't have to look at the stuff, not does anyone else. 

I promise, sis, I'll get it cleaned up for when you come visit me.

That took me quite a while.  I couldn't get the extension cord which had every electronic gizmo attached to it to work in the new plug into which I was putting them.   I finally had to get a new strip with eight outlets to use so that I could get everything to work off one plug. 

About the time I was getting ready to put some more crates away, I got really dizzy and sick to my stomach.  I laid down and Alan woke me at 8 p.m. and told me if I didn't get up, I wouldn't sleep tonight.  Correct-a-mundo.  However, I'm barely keeping awake to write this, so I'm going back to bed.  I think I'll be able to sleep, and I'll get up early in the a.m.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is a day for Daniel.  He is getting baptized, and we're heading out to see that event.  Daniel has been looking forward to this since he found out it was going to happen, a few weeks ago.  And, so have we.  I'll take pictures, if they're permitted.  And maybe I'll include one in my reporting of how blessed I know we are going to be by his statement of faith to his world, that being his church and family and friends. 

Gotta to lay down now.  Stomach is feeling really awful.


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