Friday, July 30, 2010

Alan's Kindle -- another tail

Alan has a Kindle, and the books on his Kindle are very different from the ones on my Kindle. His books are, or should I say "were" history books or religious books.

Yesterday, my dear husband decided he was going to explore the workings of his Kindle rather than just read. I have been downloading books (free ones) that I think he would enjoy, and now that he can put books into folders (a new feature of the Kindle), he wanted to categorize his books. I showed him how to do it.

All was working fine and then he decided to explore a little further. Well, in his exploration of what was new, he deleted everything from his Kindle. He somehow got rid of all the books we had purchased for his Kindle.

That said, he has been after me every hour (except through the night until 7 a.m.) to fix his Kindle for him. I knew what to do, and I did it. I found out that in deleting his books, he also deleted his Kindle from Amazon's Kindle page for us. So I had to put his Kindle back on. I hope I don't get charged for a new Kindle again. I don't think I purchased anything new, but I never know.

Anyway, I was able to get all his books back onto his device, and he can now read his books again. He uses the biggest print which puts about six words on the screen at a time. How he can read that way, I don't know. But until he finally gets his eyes fixed, which will be in about six months, he has to read that way.

His last trip to the eye specialist/surgeon showed that his eyes are degenerating. So the doctor wants to measure how quickly this is happening and will check him again in a month, then in three months, then in another three months. After that he will get him some glasses. Until then, Alan will have to carry his magnifying glass with him, and walk in a fog. The poor guy!


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