Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day Seven

Hasn't been too bad today, at least not until this evening.

I was telling Alan today that I am so very happy that we purchased a new a/c-heat pump earlier this summer, actually it was in the cold spring. It has been doing its job.

Every day this past week I had intended on going swimming in the a.m., but each morning as I stepped out on the open porch, it was too hot, so I just went back into the air cooled house and stayed put. We keep our thermometer at 79 in the summer, 69 in the winter. And 79 is just right for me and Alan, except when I get those hot spells a few times during the day.

Tomorrow is church. I hope the a/c is working well. I don't do heat at all. I never have. My mom used to tell me to just sit in front of the fan and not to move. So, if the porch wasn't breezy enough, I'd head indoors and sit in front of the fan and read a book or work a puzzle. I can't believe we didn't have any air conditioning back when I was a kid or when I was growing up. We didn't have air conditioning until we moved to Cincinnati. And except for a few well placed fans we did okay.

Now I don't know how I would survive without it. Actually? I probably wouldn't. I just be a statistic.

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