Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally, I think

Well, it seems that the snowy weather and the bitter cold we've had since early December is finally taking its leave of our area. Predictions are for our temperatures to rise to the mid-50s next week. We haven't seen the mid-50s since late October. Basically we went from summer to winter, as far as temperatures go. And the fall leaves were not very colorful. Now, however, I'm looking forward to the warmer temperatures.

Oh, I love the snow. I really do. But this year I found out that I don't like the cold as much as I thought I did. And you have to have cold to have snow. The cold has done terrible things to my joints, and have laid me low on more than one occasion these past few months. My doctor agreed with me, the best place for me to be in the winter is either in Arizona or Florida or the part of Texas that didn't get the cold winter blasts this year. Were there any areas of Texas that were spared?

Well, my spending December through February in warmer climes is not going to happen. So, I'll have to wrap up again next winter and stay indoors.

Happy days are here again as I notice that there are more minutes of daylight. In the morning there is a dim light in the east around 7 a.m. becoming full sun by 8 a.m. Yeah! And, in the evening, we have light until after 6 p.m., even on cloudy days. So the extra 3-4 minutes per day of added sunlight is becoming more evident each and every day and I'm loving it.

The only drawback is that I'm used to cooking dinner in the dark, not the light, and so our dinners are getting later and later. I'll catch up in April, I suppose. I do every year.

Tonight is our annual Valentine dinner for the community. It isn't just for couples. The whole community is invited and lots of singles enjoy the dinner along with the couples. The social committee sets the tables with our good china and silver and stemware and we enjoy an evening with our neighbors and each other (Alan and I).

I suppose that other than noticing that the weather is improving and the hours of daylight are expanding, the week has been rather dull. I'm certain it's my fault. In trying to keep off my feet and minimize the pain in the joints, I really haven't done much this week except to make sure the valentine cards for the grands were written out and mailed. They should get them today or tomorrow.

TTFN from a room in which the temperature hasn't gone higher than 60 degrees all winter. The heat needs a boost from a space heater, which I do have in my office, but mostly forget to turn it on until I'm ready to leave the room. Senior brain drain -- that all I can say.

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