Saturday, April 11, 2009

Like I said

Like I said in my Runnemede Remembered BLOG, Good Friday is always rainy. And yesterday was no exception. We had a lot of rain and a few thunder boomers as well. But today? Well, it's just beautiful out there. A little cool, but otherwise a very nice day. The sunporch is up to 80 degrees with the windows closed, but I'll get them open after I finish here.

I don't think I mentioned before that I did see the doctor on Thursday and told her about how awful I had been feeling for the last few weeks. She upped the Lyrica dosage, which we had talked about several times before, but I wanted to keep it down, in case I needed a bump later on. Well, I am really fed up with the burning/muscle aches, so I decided to bite the bullet, or pill, and try to end this horrible feeling I get. She told me I was the 8th patient she'd seen that week (of her fibro patients) that had the same trouble, and she thought maybe it was the weather.

Well, since I don't control the weather, and weather here is wet and dry, hot and cold, and you never know what tomorrow will be like because the weather people rarely get it right, I decided to move on. Will it work? I don't know. So far, so good.

Back to the nice weather. Tomorrow is Easter. Sunrise services will be abundant and they will be c-o-l-d. There is a freeze warning for overnight tonight, meaning that at 7:00 a.m. the temperature will probably be in the mid to high 20s. Bundle up all you Sunrise service folks.

Me? I'll wait for the regular service. And I can't wait. I do enjoy Resurrection Day and the hope it gives me. And I love the music. Wish we sang those songs more often. And why shouldn't we. He Lives, He Arose, Christ the Lord is Risen Today -- all hymns that we should sing more often as a reminder that yes, our Lord is Alive!

I think that's about it for now. I must get some lunch for Alan before he starts making it himself. It's self preservation for me to do the meals because I clean as I go. Alan doesn't know what the words mean (clean as you go) and I have as much work to do to clean up after his mess as if I did it myself, so here I go -- off to make some lunch for Alan.


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