Sunday, April 5, 2009

Enough Griping

I realized that most of my comments in this journal (my life as I'm living it now) have been real downers. Well, that's my life, I suppose. But I thought I'd TRY to write something more cheerful.

Maybe if I don't write about "my life as it is now" but about something more mundane I'll be able to accomplish my goal for this day.

I just finished two books by Karen Kingsbury -- One Tuesday Morning and Beyond Tuesday Morning, both books about September 11, 2001. You'd think they would be real downers, but I find her books to be just the opposite no matter what the subject matter.

I highly recommend these two books. She has written another book in the 9/11 series, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow (Monday) to get to the library to get a copy of it (Every Now and Then).

The books totally consumed me the past two days. All tolled 617 pages. I did notice, however, that I'm reading much slower than I used to, or is it that the pages are bigger and the print smaller? This was a little bit annoying for me, because I figured I could get to bed early (not at 4:00 a.m. as it turned out both nights). But my reading was not at 60 pages an hour, but more like 20 pages an hour. Quite a difference when doing the math and figuring it would only take me four hours to finish, rather than the eight it actually took.

Yeah, I know, doing the simple math would seem to indicate that it should have really taken me another four hours. I guess it has something to do with the size of the print and the size of the page -- in other words the number of words I can actually read in 60 minutes rather than the number of pages I can read in that amount of time.

So, you're all wondering what besides 9/11 the books are about? Well, go get the books at the library or buy them (they come in a two-volume set, paper bound, available at Sam's for under $15). You'll enjoy them, I'm sure. They are not morbid or depressing in any way. Rather they show how the survivors overcame the grief they suffered and came through the ordeal with the help of our gracious, merciful Lord.


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