Wednesday, February 13, 2013

THe puppy and other things

I have taught my husband's dog, Doxi, to do a couple of things. 

If I say, "kiss", she will stick out her tongue and kiss me.  If I'm not holding her close enough for her to kiss me, and say, "kiss" she still sticks out her tongue.  Cute.

And, I have taught her to sit before she runs to gobble up her kibble or whatever else I have put out for her. 

Now, if I could just teach her how to consistently use her grassy box or to go outside to pee or poop.  She's getting better at bath rooming outdoors, I think, but a few days of no accidents will be very telling.  She has never messed up her night cage.  I just don't want to keep her in that for all day long, but maybe I'll have to.

Regarding my physical therapy for the sciatic nerve.  After a two-week hiatus because of the stomach flu, I went back on Monday and had no problems getting back into it.  In fact, it felt quite good afterwards. 

I still have some twinges, but I have found I can sit in a hard chair and work out the pain.  Do I perhaps move the nerve a bit so that it doesn't hurt me so much?  I don't know.  But my prayer is that the sciatic nerve pain will disappear like it did for five years, and I will be able to walk normally again.


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