Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting caught up

This is Ellie May and Toria. They visited us on Saturday for a couple of hours. It was such a nice visit. I don't remember what Toria and Cyndi were laughing at.

Here we have hidden by hair (Toria), Cyndi, and Jonah.

You know, when you are in bed for two straight weeks, things just sort of pile up. Laundry. Dishes. Unopened mail. Reading my favorite BLOGs?

Well, I finally got caught up on most everything. There are clean dishes in the dish washer and dirty dishes in the sink. The mail has been read. And I finished reading three weeks' worth of my favorite BLOGs. Yeah, that doesn't add up, but it does really because I was already a week behind in my BLOG reading when the pain came.

I'm still in pain, but it's manageable, mostly -- as long as I don't move.

Alan is in great shape, except for his kissing the floor a couple of days ago.

Now he's pushing me to find a place for us to visit in mid to late July. Not a problem, except right now, I'm not all for driving somewhere to pretend that I will sight see when I know that I won't be able to do that. Although with the new scooter....

Our new scooter is so cool. It comes apart into four pieces and even I can put it in and out of the trunk and put it together. So, we can take it with us wherever we go. It's much better than a wheel chair and any place that can accommodate a wheelchair can accommodate a scooter like ours because it is only 18 inches wide. HINT: I'm wider than the scooter!

I did mention today that I wanted to go back and visit our friends in Wyoming. Alan asked me if I thought I could drive that far. I told him, "Well, not today, but maybe next summer."

I am so thankful that Alan has pitched in these past few weeks and kept us fed (sort of) and the laundry washed and dried. My faithful assistant, Tamara folds and puts the laundry away for me. I am also thankful for that dear lady who comes without fail to help me do the things I wish I could do but can't.

So now I'm going to go out on the sun porch and listen to the children at play in the pool wishing I myself was down there with them. Maybe tomorrow?


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