Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm still thinking

Yes, I'm still thinking that the cold weather is over. At least, next week we are expecting temperatures into the high 50s, maybe even 60 degrees.

Today my sun porch had a reading of 75 degrees. Outside temperature at that time was 35 degrees. Last I heard, though, we were supposed to get snow flurries tomorrow morning. I hope that was incorrect. I need the warmth. My achy/breaky joints are driving me nuts.

I didn't make the community Valentine's party last night because I knew I wouldn't be able to walk from the parking lot into the clubhouse. I could hardly walk from the bed to the bath, a total of 8 steps. Not good. Today, however, was a little bit better. Still aching all over, though.

I went to see the doctor on Thursday and she told me to take an anti-inflammatory, then corrected herself. Because of my kidney dysfunction, I'm not permitted anti-inflammatories. Bummer. So, I stick to what I can have, which isn't much -- the medicines prescribed for fibromyalgia, and blood pressure meds (which have been reduced) is about it.

I'm taking all kinds of vitamins and herbs to try to get things under control. The cherries' effectiveness has abandoned me.

Please pray for Becky. She's having a terrible time with joint pain this winter. Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I recall that I started with arthritis pain in my mid-40s. She isn't in her 40s yet, so it has hit her sooner than it hit me. I feel for her and wish I could do something to help ease her pain. I know that prayer works, so please pray for her. Thanks.


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