Monday, May 16, 2011

I've been so remiss

I've been so remiss, but I have an excuse (reason?). My computer is really bumming me out. The keys are sticking so bad, or else they're running. If I hit them all hard, like an old typewriter, they go crazzzzzzzzy. If I hit them lightly, they sip leters. See what I mean?

Alan says can have his laptop, but I'm thinking I need my own, so I'm scoping it out to see if I want to get a notebook, or a full-blown laptop. Since I only BLOG, e-mail, and surf the Net, I don't need all the photo/graphic features that Alan has on his laptop.

If you're interested, Alan and I are doing okay. We had a rough time getting our land-legs back, but we're back in full-swing again.

I'm motivated after 45 years of grocery shopping and avoiding coupons like the plague, after watching those ladies who do couponing for their job week after week, do at least do a little bit of couponing.

Several weeks ago, Alan and I decided to stock up on grocery store specials because food was getting so expensive. So, 10 for $10 became my mantra. Now, I'm looking for even more reductions in the products I use and there is a website called that groups coupons according to groceries, pharmaceuticals, electronics, etc., and permits me to enter the coupons they're offering for extra $$$$ off and they go directly to my Kroger card and when I buy the product, it deducts the amount on the coupon automatically on the computer. A neat idea. Now, if I could just get them to deliver my food to me, but then my friend who shops for me would have time to spare and she might not like that.

I want to make some lemon curd this week so I can make a couple of lemon meringue pies. I need to get some coupons for pie fillings or remember to include that on my list next week. I do have a couple of coupons for Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts. $1.00 off. Hopefully, Kroger will have a double coupon day soon. Do they do that any more? I know Thriftway used to do that every Tuesday, I think it was.

Well, I've checked in. I'm chilly. It's cold out and our heater/AC is busted. They're coming on Wednesday to fix t. So, I'm bundled up, and hoping tomorrow is a little warmer than it was today. I'm not optimistic, though. I swear (not really) it's either too hot or too cold. Doesn't the weather know it should have the temperatures in the 70s, no matter what the other features are (rain, sleet, snow, hail, etc.).

Hope you all have a good week. Just 10 more days until our pool opens!!!! Can't wait.


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